SDUSD Recycling Program

1st Place Winner in 2022-23 Recycling Challenge, High School Category

Cathy Murphy, Plant Operations Supervisor

1st Place Winner in 2022-23 Recycling Challenge, High School Category
Recycle @ School: It's the Law!
Did you know that recycling is the LAW in California? Schools are required to recycle mixed paper (most types), cardboard, rigid plastic, glass bottles and jars, and metal containers to be in compliance. Read more>>
2023-24 Recycling Challenge
We're getting closer to "crowning" the 2023-24 SDUSD Recycling Challenge Winners! Stay tuned for the announcement of this year's winners and to find out how your school ranked this year!
Click below for more information and to see how your school ranked last year!

Join the movement and take the Challenge! It’s as simple as picking up litter wherever you are - at school, on a walk, at your favorite beach or local park.
Help the planet, because every piece you collect counts!
Deadline: On-Going
Recycling Program
San Diego Unified School District
Operations Division
4860 Ruffner Street
San Diego, CA 92111

SDUSD's Love Food Not Waste Program
LFNW goals are to: 1) Feed Students, 2) Feed the Budget, 3) Feed Others, 4) Feed the Soil , and 5) Feed Plastic Free! Please see below for more information on our LFNW programs and how your school can be involved.
Take direct action with your students this Earth Day! The Earth Day Challenge guides students through a 3-part curriculum where they learn about and use tools to discover how sustainability issues impact the environment and their communities. Receive FREE ready-to-use activies! Challenge runs from March 12 - May 3: Register by April 5th. For more information, click HERE.
ON-GOING - PepsiCo Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free nationwide program that benefits K-12 schools and students by providing incentives and resources to help make recycling easy, fun, and rewarding. For more information, click HERE.
Recycling & Zero Waste Newsletters
Make sure to subscribe to the monthly SDUSD Zero Waste & Recycling Newsletter for more news, events, competitions and resources!