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SDUSD Recycling Program

The San Diego Unified School District spends more than $1.2 million on waste collection each year. In order to reduce costs and conserve resources, the District operates a District-wide waste reduction and recycling program at more than 180 educational facilities, offices, and departments.
The Recycling Program is coordinated through the District's Energy / Utilities Management Program. District staff has successfully negotiated for less expensive (than trash) collection of commingled recyclables by the District's waste and recycling hauler, which includes:

- Paper products
- Cardboard
- Beverage containers
- Plastic
- Metal
- Glass food and beverage containers

Recycling Program Goals

The goals of the Recycling Program are to:
1) Comply with City and State laws and ordinances to recycle designated materials at all schools & district facilities;
2) Reduce waste through reuse and resource sharing among teachers and staff;
3) Work towards 75% waste diverion goal​
Food Waste Reduction Goals
State legislation (AB 1826) establishes a ban on organics disposal in landfills. The bill requires schools and school districts to divert food, wood, and landscape waste from disposal.
As part of this effort, SDUSD developed an edible food donation program at all schools. Click HERE for more information.
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